Wagashi: Japanese Sweet with Otemoto Stick
Wagashi: Japanese Sweet with Otemoto Stick
Our bus from Puerto Princesa to Sabang
Our bus from Puerto Princesa to Sabang


Return to album listAnother Miileage Bargain
The red carpet awaits
The red carpet awaits
Boeing-Lufthansa 50 years of partnership special livery
Boeing-Lufthansa 50 years of partnership special livery
My first flight with Polish LOT
My first flight with Polish LOT
...as well as EuroLOT (their regional counterpart)
…as well as EuroLOT (their regional counterpart)
Krakow to Vienna, again with EuroLOT
Krakow to Vienna, again with EuroLOT
Vienna to Zurich, my first flight with Austrian
Vienna to Zurich, my first flight with Austrian
Our Joburg-bound A340-300 as seen from the first class transfer limo.
Our Joburg-bound A340-300 as seen from the first class transfer limo.
Getting closer to our final destination.
Getting closer to our final destination.
My first flight on South African.  Now I've flown 21 of the Star Alliance's 27 airlines.
My first flight on South African. Now I’ve flown 21 of the Star Alliance’s 27 airlines.
Namibia, at last!
Namibia, at last!
Lots of interesting airlines on the apron at WDH - that's Windhoek
Lots of interesting airlines on the apron at WDH – that’s Windhoek

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